Top Management appreciates strategic knowledge obtained through IR


Once again, a Master’s Thesis completed at the Department of Communication was highlighted in the media. On 16 September, 2013, The Finnish business weekly Talouselämä published news on the findings of Maija Honkanen’s Master's Thesis. Honkanen researched the two-way communication process of Investor Relations with stakeholders outside the company and with the top management.

According to the study, Investor Relations can offer vital information for company management. This information may support or challenge the management's view and thus support strategic decision making. Investors are usually well informed about the company's market and competitors, and their visions and feedback are considered important  - and difficult to be gained anywhere else. Companies can also proactively influence the amount of information they receive.  Open disclosure policy and willingness to engage in two-way communication, especially by asking questions, are the key to get more informed than others.

The original article is in Finnish and can be read on the Talouselämä website: (

More information: maija.honkanen [at] aalto [dot] fi (maija.honkanen(at)

Maija Honkanen.jpg

Two of our Master’s Theses on IR got recognition in the media earlier this year - see previous News at
