Professor Alladi Venkatesh’s talk drew a large and enthusiastic audience at Aalto BIZ


Professor Alladi Venkatesh visited the Department of Communication and gave a talk at a seminar organized by the Media Management Group (MeMaG) of the department. In his talk, Professor Venkatesh discussed social media as a new digital space for organizing social and cultural interactions and economic activities.

Alladi Venkatesh at AaltoBIZ.JPG

The aim of the seminar, Strategic Media Management - trans-disciplinary perspectives, was to bring together academic scholars and media practitioners to discuss recent developments in the field of media management from a trans-disciplinary perspective. The seminar was the closing dissemination seminar of the research project Strategic Challenges of the Media Industry in Converging Media Markets, funded by Helsingin Sanomien Säätiö. 

The seminar drew a large audience and generated enthusiastic discussion on the implications of social media to management theory and practice.

Alladi Venkatesh is Professor of Management and Computer Science, and Associate Director, CRITO (Center for Research on Information Technology) University of California, Irvine, USA. His publications have appeared in major journals, Management Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Communications of the ACM, Marketing Theory, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management and others.

