Professor A. Fuat Firat joins the Department of Communication as Distinguished Visiting Professor


Professor A. Fuat Firat will join the Department of Communication as Distinguished Visiting Professor, starting September 1 2012. Professor Firat is one of the founding fathers of postmodern and critical marketing and consumer research and he continues to be one of the most cited scholars in the broader field of marketing and consumer research.

A . Fuat Fırat is professor of marketing at the University of Texas—Pan American. He completed his Ph.D. degree in marketing at Northwestern University. His research interests cover areas such as macro consumer behavior and macromarketing; postmodern culture; brands and branding; transmodern marketing strategies; gender and consumption; marketing and development; and interorganizational relations. His has won the Journal of Macromarketing Charles Slater Award for best article with co-author N. Dholakia, the Journal of Consumer Research best article award with co-author A. Venkatesh, and the Corporate Communications: An International Journal top ranked paper award with co-authors L.T. Christensen and J. Cornelissen. He has published several books including Consuming People: From Political Economy to Theaters of Consumption, co-authored by N. Dholakia, and is the founding editor of Consumption, Markets & Culture.

As a visiting professor Dr. Firat will collaborate particularly with the members of the “Business and Society” research group of the Department (

During his visits to Aalto ECON, professor Fuat will also present his work at research seminars that are open to all members of the Aalto ECON academic community.

For more information, please contact johanna.moisander(at) 
