Project management tools for multidisciplinary research
The Department of Communication hosted a successful intensive course on “Project management tools for multi-disciplinary research: Design and article writing processes from conception to publication” for KATAJA (the Finnish doctoral program in business studies) PhD students. The objective of the course was to help doctoral students develop methods for creating and evaluating both research design and contribution potential to key journals with multi-disciplinary perspectives. As teachers, the course featured two internationally acknowledged communication studies scholars, Dr. Constance Kampf from the University of Aarhus and Dr. Kirk St. Amant from East Caroline University.
The course was inspired by the discussions among prof. Johanna Moisander, Dr. Anne Kankaanranta and Constance, who spent three months of her sabbatical as a visiting scholar in Aalto ECON in spring 2011.
The students from six Finnish universities were very happy with the course. They felt that they received concrete tools to help them in their research process. In particular, they appreciated the interactive teaching style and the ‘theoretically practical’ nature of the course. Such positive feedback - an average grade of well above 9 on a scale form 1-10 - encourages us to apply for KATAJA funding to run the course again in spring 2013.
Constance (sitting on the right) with the doctoral students