IBC graduates active in the Blogosphere
Two recent IBC graduates Marja Näsi and Anni Ruotsalainen have made IBC better known in the blogosphere this spring.
Marja wrote an entry to her employer’s blog inspired by Professor Martin Eppler, who gave an open lecture on Managing Clarity in Complex Corporate Communications at Aalto ECON in January. In her Finnish blog entry titled Ymmärtääkö asiakkaasi, mitä myyt? she discusses the challenges of communication between experts and laypersons.
Link: http://www.fondia.fi/fi-FI/blogi/ymmartaako-asiakkaasi-mita-myyt
Anni has been blogging on ProComma, an outlet of ProCom – Viestinnän ammattilaiset ry/Finnish Association of Communications Professionals. She is discussing the findings and implications of her thesis, which focused on the role of communication consultancies in localizing the launch communication of MNCs. The entry is titled Paikalliset konsultit avainasemassa kansainvälisten yritysten lanseerausviestinnässä.