
Organization and Management faculty conduct high quality and practically relevant research in the areas of strategy work, sustainability management, corporate social responsibility, business ethics, gender and diversity as well as in managing and developing human resources.

Our research rests on the discipline's core strength of pluralist and multi-vocal understandings of organizational settings as sites where actions are taken and decisions are made in the face of potentially incompatible demands and rationalities. Recognizing that organizations must address demands beyond shareholder value and efficiency, the areas of strength for our faculty include sustainability management, corporate social responsibility, business ethics, and gender and diversity in organizations. The multiplicity of competing rationalities is also central to ongoing strategy research in our discipline, which has a strong focus on strategy as practice, discourse, cognitions, and institutional complexity.

Our research extends from individual- and group-level complexities in organizing and managing to innovation processes to related industrial transitions that take place over extended time periods, and to human resources – or people – management and development issues as well as to organizational and professional practices and praxis under pluralistic demands. Our researchers also study academic institutions and work as well as management education.

Our researchers’ work spans disciplinary boundaries. We aim for cross-disciplinary research collaboration in the spirit of the Aalto University mission. The empirical phenomena we study are often complex and multifaceted; for example, sustainability challenges are systemic and call for joint efforts of researchers in different fields.

Our senior faculty members are active in international research communities and networks, serving in editorial positions and as editorial board members. Our strategic research partners in Finland include Aalto SCI (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management) and Hanken School of Economics. We are active in SCANCOR at Stanford University, and collaborate with scholars from universities around the world.

Research activities in the discipline

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