
The unit of Organization and Management educates professionals with competences and skills to work in increasingly complex organizational settings, in particular, with respect to strategy work, sustainability management, and managing and developing human resources.

We make use of the wide and varied expertise in our unit by engaging in teaching in teams. Our courses are highly interactive and they involve different learner-centered study formats.

In addition to research-based knowledge of our professors and other teachers, our courses involve guest lectures by business managers and other practitioners sharing their skills and experience with our students. We apply real cases in our courses, some of which are based on long-term collaboration with companies and other organizations.

Our master’s students are not restricted with one path of study, but can choose to specialize in

  • strategy work
  • sustainability management, or
  • HRM

Together with the unit of International Business, Organization and Management is responsible for the The Master's programme in Management and International Business.



In addition to contributing to bachelor level education and to the Management and International Business master’s program, we partner with other Aalto Schools in offering cross-disciplinary master’s programs such as Creative Sustainability and Strategy. 

Our graduates choose between a wide array of job alternatives in expert and managerial positions in large companies, SMEs, the public sector, and also increasingly in non-profit environmental or social-goal organizations (NGO). Our courses, projects, and master’s thesis work carried out in collaboration with a variety of organizations offer a pathway to working life for many of our students.

For doctoral students, we offer a lot of freedom of choice with regard to research topics. In our full-time doctoral program, dissertation research can take place either on an individual basis or in groups in the context of research projects. Our research projects offer doctoral students the opportunity to build their research capabilities in teams consisting of senior and junior scholars. These are highly international, offering research collaboration and data generation in Europe, North America, and emerging markets around the world.

All our doctoral students can make use of our extensive collaboration and networks around the world, and many of them are active in taking advantage of study periods abroad.

Page content by: | Last updated: 09.02.2015.