Admission criteria published for BScBA Programme at Mikkeli unit


The next application period for the programme is 8–27 January 2016.

Applications in the joint application system for universities and universities of applied sciences are submitted on the website ( in Finnish) maintained by the Finnish National Board of Education. Admission criteria for study programmes starting in autumn 2016 that are applied to in the spring joint application system will be published on Studyinfo on 30 October 2015. The joint application process is arranged twice a year but the majority of study programmes can only be applied to in the spring joint application system.

The spring 2016 joint application system has two separate application periods:

  • 8–27 January 2016 is the application period for study programmes taught in languages other than Finnish such as the Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business Programme taught in English at the School of Business Mikkeli unit, and
  • 16 March – 6 April 2016 for study programmes taught in Finnish.

In both application periods, one application form is submitted at for all higher education institutions, and the applicant fills in the study programmes in the desired order. The applicant may apply to up to six (6) different study programmes and will be offered only one, which is the highest choice the applicant has enough points for.

'In 2016, a minimum of 80 new students in three separate admission groups will be accepted to the Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business at the School of Business Mikkeli unit. Admission is based on either the points from the Finnish Matriculation Examination grades or the SAT Test score. Additionally, it is possible to apply to the programme on the basis of studies completed at the Open University in a separate application procedure for the School of Business 16 March – 6 April 2016 (5 places). As the study programme at the Mikkeli unit is taught in a language other than Finnish, the first-timer quota for those who apply for their first study place is not used in the student admission of 2016,' says Manager of Academic Operations Mari Syväoja from the Bachelor's Degree programme in International Business.

Further information:
Mari Syväoja
Manager of Academic Operations
tel. 044 7044 211

