Organizational Communication

Research and teaching in the unit of Organizational Communication focuses on the social and communicative practices through which organizations, communities, and societies are managed and organized in global media environments.

Our research and teaching are based on an undertanding of organizational communication as a multifaceted managerial and social activity.  Communication is used in organizations not only to convey ideas and represent objects of knowledge. It is used also strategically and performatively to construct realities and to make things happen. A better understanding of the dynamics and complexities of organizational communication thus bears relevance not only for communications and management professionals, but also policy makers and other practitioners in the broader field of organizational communication, strategic management, and business-society –relations.

Our research-based curriculum offers students a thorough, trans-disciplinary understanding of the field of corporate and organizational communication for both professional and academic purposes. Our Master's program in Corporate Communication and BSc-Minor in Communication provide students with a deep, trans-disciplinary theoretical understanding of the strategic role of communication in contemporary organizations. By means of thematically focused course work and problem-based learning exercises, they also equip the students with improved analytical and practical skills for communicating stakeholder and shareholder value in the global mediascape. Drawing on the state-of-the art knowledge developed in the fields of media and communication studies (MCS) as well as different areas of management studies, the program offers students conceptual tools and practical knowledge for demanding jobs in the broader field of corporate and organizational communication.

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